1. āŠŠંāŠĄિāŠĪ āŠāŠĶāŠŊāŠķંāŠāŠ° āŠĻૃāŠĪ્āŠŊ āŠŪંāŠ : āŠāŠŪāŠŦી āŠĨિāŠŊેāŠāŠ°
2. āŠŠૃāŠĨ્āŠĩીāŠ°ાāŠ āŠāŠŠૂāŠ° āŠĻાāŠ્āŠŊ āŠŪંāŠ : āŠ āŠāŠē āŠāŠĄિāŠોāŠ°િāŠŊāŠŪ
3. āŠ āŠĩિāŠĻાāŠķ āŠĩ્āŠŊાāŠļ āŠļંāŠીāŠĪ āŠŪંāŠ : āŠĻāŠĩો āŠોāŠ°્āŠ āŠđોāŠē
4. āŠ°ાāŠા āŠ°āŠĩિ āŠĩāŠ°્āŠŪા āŠāŠģા āŠŪંāŠ : āŠŽાāŠđ્āŠŊ āŠ āŠ્āŠŊાāŠļāŠ્āŠ°āŠŪ āŠāŠĩāŠĻ
5. āŠĶુāŠēા āŠાāŠŊા āŠાāŠ āŠļાāŠđિāŠĪ્āŠŊ āŠŪંāŠ : āŠ ંāŠ્āŠ°ેāŠી āŠāŠĩāŠĻ
Watching and acting in the skit was a different experience. The skit addressed social issues in a satirical way, and many performances depicted this well. It covered topics like unemployment, problems in education, and the challenges women face, especially highlighted in Stree 3. The skit stressed the need for women's empowerment and raised thought-provoking questions with themes like “Gandhi Marte Kyun Nahi Hai,” while bringing everyone together with the message “Hum Sab ek Hai”. The skit included the experiences of those who do not fit into the male-female binary, highlighting their discrimination and lack of opportunities.
By using humor the skit balanced serious topics with fun moments, making it both engaging and memorable. The combination of music, different voices, and changing speeds kept the audience interested and left a lasting impression, encouraging us to think about the important issues it raised. Our skit, titled "Baki Sab Thik Bas Chal Raha Hai," was performed by us, and I will share more about it in this blog later.
Other Fine Arts Events:
This section featured various events, including cartooning (Participant: Riya Bhatt), painting (Participant: Tanvi Mehra), paper collage (Participant: Reshma Bilakhiya), poster making (Participant: Sanket), rangoli (Participant: Divya Paledhdhra), clay modeling (Participant: Bhumiba Gohil), and installation.
By Riya Bhatt
Topics: College Campus, Garden, and Festival
Clay Modeling:
Poster Making
Most posters focused on themes like ecocriticism, global warming, and tree plantation. Raising awareness about these topics among the youth is crucial for helping them understand the importance of the environment and ecology for a sustainable green future.
Topics: Worship (Pooja), Happiness (Emotion), and Accident
Poetry Recitation brings words to life, giving voice to emotions and letting each line dance with meaning. Here are the topics of the poems:
- āŠŠ્āŠ°ેāŠŪ āŠāŠāŠēે āŠે...
- āŠાāŠķ āŠāŠĩું āŠŽāŠĻāŠķે āŠે...
- āŠđું āŠāŠĩો āŠુāŠāŠ°ાāŠĪી
- āŠĶોāŠļ્āŠĪ! āŠĪું āŠĩાāŠĪ āŠĪો āŠāŠ°
- āŠŪાāŠ°ું āŠાāŠŪ āŠાāŠēી āŠĨāŠ āŠ°āŠđ્āŠŊું āŠે
- āŠĩૃāŠĶ્āŠ§ āŠŪાāŠĪાāŠŠિāŠĪાāŠĻી āŠĩેāŠĶāŠĻા
Essay writing Competition:
Topics for Essay competition:
● āŠોāŠĢ āŠļāŠ°āŠđāŠĶો āŠāŠ્āŠે āŠે?
● āŠŊāŠķāŠાāŠĨા āŠુāŠāŠ°ાāŠĪāŠĻી
● āŠĻાāŠ°ી āŠ āŠļ્āŠŪિāŠĪાāŠĻું āŠૌāŠ°āŠĩ - āŠાāŠāŠĩું āŠāŠ°ૂāŠ°ી āŠે.
● āŠļ્āŠĩāŠ્āŠāŠĪા - āŠŦāŠ°āŠ āŠે āŠŦāŠ°āŠિāŠŊાāŠĪ?
● āŠીāŠĩāŠĻāŠŪૂāŠē્āŠŊોāŠĻી āŠāŠŪી āŠŪાāŠે āŠāŠĩાāŠŽāŠĶાāŠ° āŠોāŠĢ?
● āŠāŠēા - āŠāŠ āŠ°ાāŠŪāŠŽાāŠĢ āŠāŠ·āŠ§
- Mara Sapna nu Gujarat Kevu
- Exams Every Day
- Suicide: Is It the Final Solution?
- India's Foreign Policy and Its Impact
- What If the Internet Disappeared?
The folk music orchestra competition was an incredible experience, one that I feel fortunate to have witnessed live. Even though only two competitors participated, their performances filled the atmosphere with an energy that I could feel in every beat and note.
The rhythm they created was truly mind-blowing, each beat seemed perfectly timed, and it was amazing how in sync everyone was. Watching them tune their instruments with such skill and precision, you could tell they had practiced tirelessly to get everything just right. The sound flowed together in perfect harmony, creating a rich, layered music that seemed to carry the spirit of folk traditions.
Their attire was also striking; each performer wore beautiful, traditional clothing that added a visual grace to the performance, complementing the music in a way that made it feel like a cultural celebration. Every detail—from the colors to the accessories—seemed to reflect the essence of the music they played. And their expressions, You could see the passion in their faces as they played, as if they were completely lost in the music, carrying us along with them. It was truly unforgettable and gave me such an appreciation for the power of live folk music.
(If you want to watch my performance check out this time stamp in the video: 01:05:00)
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