Wednesday, January 10, 2024

I. A. Richards: Reading Poem Task

I.A. Richard : Reading Poems

Hello Everyone ðŸĪ ,

This blog is part of a classroom activity focused on I.A. Richards' practical criticism regarding figurative language. I'll analyze two poem by Harshdev Madhav. This blog is about the 'Practical Criticism' by I.A. Richards.

 Click here for more details.

In this blog I am going to problematize two poem written by Harshdev Madhav finding its literal meaning and then try to justify the poem. Engaging in such activities enables one to learn how to critique artistic work impartially, without any bias or prejudices towards the creator.

The Poem: āŠāŠ• āŠāŠĩું āŠ. āŠŸી. āŠāŠŪ. āŠđોāŠŊ ! By 

Harshdev Madhav

Questions Arising in Literal Reading :

Q.1 How can real life grief be deposited into an ATM as it mentioned in the line "āŠ•ોāŠˆ āŠ.āŠŸી.āŠāŠŪ. āŠ•્āŠŊાંāŠ• āŠĪો āŠŽāŠĻાāŠĩે āŠĄિāŠŠોāŠીāŠŸ āŠ•ોāŠ°ુંāŠ§ાāŠ•ોāŠ° āŠĶુ:āŠ– āŠ•āŠ°ીāŠ āŠĻે āŠ•āŠĄāŠ•āŠĄāŠĪું āŠļુāŠ– āŠđાāŠ° āŠ†āŠĩે " ?

Q.2 How can we connect " āŠ˜āŠĄāŠŠāŠĢ and āŠŦાāŠ—āŠĢ" from the line " āŠ˜āŠĄāŠŠāŠĢāŠĻો 'āŠŠીāŠĻ' āŠšેāŠĻ્āŠœ āŠ•āŠ°ીāŠ āŠĪો āŠŦાāŠ—āŠĢāŠĻા āŠĶિāŠĩāŠļો āŠē્āŠŊો āŠ“.āŠ•ે. āŠĨāŠˆ āŠœાāŠŊ" ?

Q.3 How can we transfer memories into dreams in real life Which is suggested in the line" āŠļ્āŠŸેāŠŪેāŠĻ્āŠŸ āŠŪાāŠ—āŠĪાં āŠœ āŠļ્āŠŪāŠ°āŠĢોāŠĻી āŠŸ્āŠ°ાāŠĻ્āŠļāŠŦāŠ° āŠķāŠŪāŠĢાંāŠĻા āŠ–ાāŠĪાāŠŪાં āŠĨાāŠŊ" ?

Q.4 What does the poet mean by "āŠ‰āŠŠāŠĩāŠĻāŠĻી 'āŠŦાāŠļ્āŠŸ āŠ•ૅāŠķ'" ?

Q.5 Which country is referred to in this line "āŠ…āŠĢāŠĶેāŠ–્āŠŊો āŠĪોāŠŊે āŠĶેāŠ–ાāŠŊ āŠ āŠœ āŠĶેāŠķ" āŠāŠŪાં āŠ•્āŠŊાં āŠĶેāŠķ āŠĩિāŠķે āŠĩાāŠĪ āŠ•āŠ°āŠĩાāŠŪાં āŠ†āŠĩી āŠ›ે"?

Now let's try to justify the above problems...

1.) In the poem, poet imagine that if this type of ATM were exist then everyone can get happiness from it and can forget their sorrow, where we put our all the tension and get happiness from it.

2.) In the fifth stanza, the poet attempts to allude to "Old Age" through the term 'āŠŦાāŠ—āŠĢ,' which he uses to describe young age. In the poem, he suggests that having the magical ATM in life would allow us to change our Old Age PIN, essentially revitalizing our old age and transforming into youth.

3.) Through this poet tries to convey that if there would be any magic then we can transfer our good old memories into dreams then we can live it again and can be happy again.

4.) Poet imagines that When we want to go somewhere, where we find happiness for example garden then we can fill it or smell it through that ATM.

5.) The poet imagines a situation where, if he wishes to go to a joyful place like a garden or his hometown where he once lived, he simply expresses his desire for a magical ATM to exist, allowing him to visit those places.

* Aim of the poem :

In this poem, the poet Harshdev Madhav expresses a heartfelt desire for an ATM that could fulfill his wishes. Through this magical ATM, he seeks liberation from the sorrows of life and yearns to reunite with his favorite person or the love of his life. His aspirations extend to summoning the monsoon at his command and experiencing a transformation from old age to youth. The poet longs to relive his past, articulating a wish to convert memories into dreams. Ultimately, he dreams of returning to his hometown, meeting his cherished person, and embracing a life filled with joy and fulfillment.

The Poem: āŠŸી.āŠĩી. āŠļિāŠ°િāŠŊāŠēāŠĻી āŠœેāŠĩી āŠšાāŠđāŠĪāŠĻું āŠ—ીāŠĪ  by 

Harshdev Madhav

Questions Arising in Literal Reading :

Q.1 What is the meaning of T.V.  āŠļિāŠ°િāŠŊāŠēāŠĻી āŠœેāŠŪ āŠšાāŠđāŠĩું ?

Q.2 What is the meaning of line " āŠĄાāŠŊāŠēોāŠ— āŠŽāŠĻે āŠāŠĩી āŠēાāŠ—āŠĢીāŠ“ āŠēાāŠ—ે āŠ›ે āŠœાāŠĢે āŠ•ે āŠĪાāŠ°ો āŠļ્āŠĩāŠ­ાāŠĩ" ?

Q.3 How can one add sugar to speech and poison to laughter as it mentioned in the line " āŠ­ેāŠģāŠĩે āŠĪું āŠŽોāŠēāŠĩાāŠŪાં 'āŠļ્āŠŊૂāŠ—āŠ°' āŠĨોāŠĄીāŠ• āŠ…āŠĻે āŠđāŠļāŠĩાāŠŪાં āŠ­ેāŠģāŠĩે āŠĪું āŠેāŠ°" ?

Q.4 How can someone appear as an SMS as it mentioned in this line "āŠŪોāŠ° āŠŽāŠĻી āŠœ્āŠŊાāŠ°ે āŠ…āŠ·ાāŠĒāŠĻે āŠđું āŠŽોāŠēાāŠĩું, āŠāŠļ.āŠāŠŪ.āŠāŠļ. āŠœેāŠŪ āŠĪાāŠ°ું āŠ†āŠĩāŠĩું" ?

Q.5. what is the meaning of this line " āŠ† āŠ•ેāŠĩો āŠĶેāŠķ-āŠœેāŠŪાં āŠŠાāŠ°āŠ•ો āŠ›ે āŠĩેāŠķ āŠ…āŠĻે āŠāŠ•āŠēāŠĪા āŠŪોāŠ°āŠŠિāŠš્āŠ›-āŠļ્āŠ•્āŠ°ીāŠĻ" ?

Now let's try to justify the above problems...

1). In the first stanza, the poet compares the presence of his beloved to a TV serial. As TV serial episode bringing both happiness and complexity. The beloved's changing moods, from funny and romantic to mysterious, leave the poet feeling confused about realizing their shared dreams in the dream city.

2.) In the second stanza, the poet reflects on makeup as a facade. While some use it for enhancing beauty, others use it to conceal their true selves. The poet questions the longevity of hiding behind a false appearance, emphasizing that beauty can have a hidden dark side. People may fall for external charm, unaware of the deceit beneath. The poet highlights the tendency for some to exploit their beauty or sweet demeanor for personal gains, revealing their true nature after their motives are fulfilled.

3.)  " āŠ­ેāŠģāŠĩે āŠĪું āŠŽોāŠēāŠĩાāŠŪાં 'āŠļ્āŠŊૂāŠ—āŠ°' āŠĨોāŠĄીāŠ• āŠ…āŠĻે āŠđāŠļāŠĩાāŠŪાં āŠ­ેāŠģāŠĩે āŠĪું āŠેāŠ°", In this line the poet expresses to his beloved that she fails to exhibit genuine feelings towards him. He uses the term "sugar-coated" to describe how she conceals her mistakes with sweet speech, suggesting a lack of sincerity. The poet further contends that even her laughter and smiles are artificial, masking underlying evil intentions. Through this comparison, the poet highlights the theme of people with a "sugar-coated tongue," indicating those who speak sweetly but harbor selfish motives. This serves as a reflection on the true nature of humans, emphasizing how some exploit others for their selfish desires.

 Similarly, in the analogy of "studio & cloud," individuals may compare their beauty to nature, but the poet warns against the false allure of fake beauty, emphasizing that it can never match the authenticity of nature. This cautions against trusting individuals with sweet words and highlights the futility of comparing oneself to the unparalleled beauty of the natural world.

4.) In the fifth stanza, the poet compares himself  with singing peacock and his beloved to an SMS. Expressing a desire for meaningful conversations, the poet conveys that short and indifferent replies from the beloved hurt emotions. The example illustrates unrequited love and the poet suggests investing efforts in someone who values emotions, intentions, and faith. 

We can see that the poet expresses a desire for a lasting connection with his beloved, comparing his longing to that of a peacock waiting for rain. However, he notes that the attention and time he receives from his beloved are akin to short-term SMS messages. This comparison highlights the poet's yearning for more sustained and meaningful interactions, gently conveying his wish for a deeper connection.

5.) The poet talks about the "colours of loneliness" in a country where people have different dress preferences. Despite outward appearances, one can't determine the inner feelings or loneliness of individuals. People may seem happy in public, but inside, they might be struggling with loneliness. The poet emphasizes the importance of not judging solely based on looks and highlights the need for understanding the hidden mental states of individuals.

The Aim of the Poem:

In this poem, the poet Harshdev Madhav seeks to depict human nature. He begins by expressing his deep and pure love for his beloved, who consistently ignores him, revealing the ever-changing moods inherent in human nature. The poet compares his beloved's actions to makeup, illustrating how she alters her reactions and affection. Despite the poet's wholehearted love, the beloved often employs a sugar-coated tongue and a deceptive smile to conceal her mistakes, displaying artificial feelings. Towards the end, the poet reflects on the loneliness that everyone harbors, unseen on their faces. He concludes by questioning how one can expect something from someone who has nothing to offer. Through this poem, the poet candidly portrays the true face of human behavior.

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